Preservation by Sesa WorubanAuthor's Notes: My first fanfic. Good bits can be blamed on Suz Voy and her encouragement and inspiration for me. Bad bits on the lovely Chardonnay they serve at Pages. ----- "You want proof?!" As he fired the gun and bright cold sunlight streamed in on to the faces of the people below, she looked at him. She couldn't help looking at him. After all, she reasoned, everyone was looking at him. And while it started as a glance, it quickly became a study of the man. The man with whom she had shared herself completely over what her still real memories told her was years. In that study, that moment, at that point everything instantaneously got confused, chaotic and then suddenly clear. Jonah, Thera, Colonel O'Neill, Major Carter, Jack and Sam, all the memories, all the feelings and emotions instantly fed together and she realized why and what she felt. No barriers, no denial. "No ice, no snow." As she watched him move into Brenna's office, the painful realization of what she had been given and how quickly it was all being taken away from her began to sink in. ~~~ "So, Colonel..." [Was that a question or a statement?] "Major..." "That bald man you were trying to remember?" "General Hammond." "Right." "He's from Texas ya know, it's all coming back" For a brief moment, as she saw his smile and straight through his attempt at joviality, she considered acting on the thoughts and feelings that, even now, made her Thera inside. But, as always, the clearer ever rational side of her saw the situation from the cold objective point of view it needed. "Yes. Sir." "Sir..." [Oh please Jonah... Jack... oh God, oh please... Sir, don't make this any harder than it already is.] She didn't dare say anything because she genuinely didn't know what would come out if she spoke. So it was no more than a bitter sweet smile and a vague nod she could return. All she could offer from the scant emotions left on the surface. Buried deep beneath the ice and snow, her feelings would have to wait, perfectly preserved until they could be unearthed in some future time and life. Maybe it would be soon. In the meantime, she'd just go on, go back to who she knew she could be. Go home. "Let's go home" [Yeah, let's.] ~FINIS~ |