Here are the links to the fics and the ficettes I've dared to write so far. They're split by category and then in reverse chronological order - the newest ones are at sthe top.

All the fics here are PG-13 or less unless specifically stated. I have recently modified all my fics to fit in with the US spelling of certain words. I am a Brit and I'm proud of the (sometimes crazy) way we spell things but it's a US show and these characters are American so I'm gonna spell their words and thoughts the way they would.





Some would say that Sam/Jack is the only true canon pairing on the show.
Others would say that's crazy, there's no chemistry and it's all twaddle.
I say, they make a fun couple to play with so that's what I'm gonna do.

If You Like (7k)
Sam. Jack. Fluffy Finale Fun.
Fly on the Wall (9k)
Conversations after '100 days' and before 'Shades of Grey'.
Resolution (12k)
Rated PG-15 for language (once). Sam and Jack have a conversation between Season 5 and Season 6. Spoilers for Meridian (and D&C a little).
Nominated for Best Meridian-Inspired Story (Ship)
in the Stargate SG-1 Awards 2003
Transferral (5k)
A little missing scene towards the end of Double Jeopardy after robot-Sam buys it and before Jack rings down to say Chronos has kicked it.
The Perils of Kelowna Juice (21k)
A joint fic with Suz, done when we should have been working. Very silly.
Leaving the Dream (6k)
Sometimes, things just can't be ignored. (An Abyss Episode addition.)
Untitled (4k)
VERY short - part of the wedding fic I'll never write. (No spoilers.)
Taking the Plunge (3k)
What did Sam say at the end of Divide and Conquer?

Preservation (4k)
What's going through Sam's mind at the end of Beneath The Surface?



Sam is a girl. Janet's a girl too.
Sam and Janet would make a sweet couple if both were so inclined.
Some may find this idea offensive/illegal - well, just don't read the stories then.

Momento En El Tiempo (18k) - Part Four in the Moment Series
Hooray, the last part. Resolution abounds. Enjoy.
Momentum (11k) - Part Three in the Moment Series
More Sam/Janet fun... and I've managed to finish it now. No more annoying cliff-hanger to suffer!
Momentary Insanity (7k) - Part Two in the Moment Series
A summary could spoil it. Just read it, it's only little. Inspired in part by Ian McEwan's Atonement. A truly excellent book.
Stolen Moment (6k) - Part One in the Moment Series
My first Sam/Janet fic, just a little vignette inside someone's head... as it my wont. (Warning - this is probably at least PG-15 and it contains thoughts of a lesbian/bi nature. If you no like - run away, run away!)
Nominated for Best Pre-slash (Femslash)
in the Stargate SG-1 Awards 2003
Nominated for Best Sam & Janet: Friendship, Romance, POV Story
in the Teryl Rothery contest (Abydos Gate) 2003


Because Sesa cannot live by ship alone...
... although she's had a damn good crack at it.

Getting Some Lunch (5k) Rated R for sex.
Not only a departure from my usual pairing but also my usual rating. (Not really a Nightwalkers spoiler but it makes more sense if you've seen it.)
Nominated for Best Romance - Other Pairings (Ship)
in the Stargate SG-1 Awards 2003
Nominated for Sam/Jonas in the Isis Awards 2005
Dressing Down (Drabble: 3k)
Very silly... (No spoilers.)
Fruitless Attempt (Drabble: 2k)
What took Jonas so long to help Teal'c fight the Jaffa in Descent?
Chilli Con Carnage (19k)
Sam and Janet eat, drink, laugh and reflect after the events involving Hathor.