Untitled by Sesa WorubanAs they arrived at the door to the honeymoon suite that had been booked for them by General Hammond, they both sighed simultaneously. The day's festivities had finally taken their toll; both of them were feeling elated and exhausted at the same time. Jack fiddled with the door card for a moment before releasing the lock and pushing the door open. They both looked at the plush interior and Jack made a move to enter. Sam coughed expectantly. "What?" "So, aren't you going to carry your new bride over the threshold?" Jack raised his eyebrows and a smirk began to spread across his features, "Carter? Never imagined you to be the girlie-type?" His use of her surname instantly took her back 5 years to when he was her commanding officer in SG-1. Her mind reacted automatically "Well, Sir, I..." Her confusion gave way to indignation as she thought of a million things to say about how she WAS a woman and he'd better have damn-well noticed it after all this time and how dare he and... when her world was turned upside down, literally. Even with her training it took a moment to realize that her former CO and now husband of 8 hours had thrown her over his shoulder and was giving her a fireman's lift into their room. She was too shocked to do anything. Put her in a fight situation and her reactions would have been automatic but she had *so* not been expecting this. Instead, she found herself living up to the 'girlie' comment made only a moment ago as she flailed her legs and arms and screamed. Anyone standing outside would have been amused to see a handsome older man with an evil grin on his face and younger blonde woman's derriere as he turned and closed the door. ~FINIS~ |